Monday 23 June 2008

musicology #178

alternativesoundtrack2..Quadrophenia #10

(The Who - I’ve Had Enough)


final cut of the Quadrophenia selection and i’m finishing up with the piece of music that closes the film. pucker tune and one that definately had an impact on my mindset growing up.

Jimmy’s gone back to Brighton and had the final igmony of seeing ‘the face’ in his dayjob as nothing but a ‘bell boy’. it’s the final straw for him and reminds me of a saying that I once heard and took to heart…something like

“never try to reach out and touch a ‘golden idol’ as the gilding might come off in your hands..”

I always took it to mean, never idolise anyone as they chances are one day they will dissapoint you. it’s unfair to put such a weight of responsibility on someone elses shoulders because we are all human and full of contridictions.

for the record, even though I was introduced to ‘Mod Revival’ through the Jam’s first album ‘In The City’ a few years earlier than seeing the film the actual soundtrack was, for me, always a bit of a dissapointment. that said I rate Pete Townsend, (and the Who’s), original album from which the film was crafted. Townsend’s lyrics were a guide for themusicologist and will always hold fond memories.

“you were under the impression, that when you were walking forwards,
that you’d end up further onwards, but things ain’t quite that simple,

you got altered information, you were told to not take chances,
you missed out on new dances now your’e losing all your dimples,

my jacket’s gonna be cut slim and checked,
maybe a touch of seersucker with an open neck,
I ride a GS scooter with my hair cut neat,
I wear my war time coat in the wind and sleet,

love reign o’er me, love reign o’er me…..

I’ve had enough of living, I’ve had enough of dying,
I’ve had enough of smiling, I’ve had enough of crying,
I’ve taken all the high roads, I’ve squandered and I’ve saved,
I’ve had enough of childhood I’ve had enough of graves,

love reign o’er me, reign o’er me,
love reign o’er me…looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove

I’ve had enough of dancehalls, I’ve had enough of pills,
I’ve had enough of street fights, I’ve seen my share of kills,
I’m finished with the fashions and acting like I’m tough,
I’m bored of hate and passion, Iv’e had enough of trying to looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove

you stop dancing”

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

nice blog

hope u don't mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me
and chk what I call the blinded by the Obamafication of America