Monday, 7 December 2009

musicology #450

3 Is TheMagicNumber #3

(India Arie – Headed In The Right Direction)


Final cut of the magic number and then it’s on to the Christmas selection…beginning to feel like I can walk on emotional water which makes a big difference from feeling like I was drowning in it. last week I learned the difference between the language of being and the language of having and it is a beautiful, liberating feeling that I have yet to find the words to express. I don’t know if I ever will but in feel it is enough.

Picking a piece out of THOUSANDS is always a challenge, (and no mistake), but for me that’s what themusicologist is there for…communicating a message utilising the universal language.. It’s been almost 3 years now that I have been bearing my soul on this musical diary and not only is it extremely cathartic but It has also allowed me the space to express myself with authenticity.

Today’s cut is courtesy of an artist who has helped me to learn the difference between having and being. Borrowed from her second set Voyage To India…a set that everyone should own. Just like to add that one of the authors who has been a guide over these last few weeks goes by the name of Erich Fromm especially his book ‘The Art Of Being’.

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