PostMod/ernist #6
(Toussaint McCall – Nothing Takes The Place Of You)
Final cut on the PostMod/ernist. To be honest I have struggled with this theme. The circumstances I find myself in have affected my confidence which, unlike belief, is buried in the unconscious making it impossible, in my opinion, to cultivate, (again unlike belief), internally. Put simply it’s other people who are responsible for our fragile confidence and my observation is that too many don’t take responsibility for making and breaking it. I’m not laying any blame as that’s for the immature. Neither am I making any excuses, life is a two way street and I must be just as guilty of being irresponsible.
As you may already be aware themusicologist for me is and always has been a kind of diary shot through with Joy & Pain and utilising the power of music as communicator, comforter and guide.
Bottom line…my lifetime’s observation so far is that people will always let you down. Rarely intentionally but that doesn’t lessen the impact. One way to lessen the impact is to not have what Charles Dickens called ‘Great Expectations’. Shoot for the stars but accept that the probability is that you will miss. This attitude has led me to the belief that it’s the journey of and through life that’s important rather than the destination and along the way our companions will come and go. Some will last longer than others. Some will bring and share love while others will try to hurt and hinder. Live by your own values and pass no judgement on those of others. It’s a mean, fucked up world and, from what I can see, it’s only getting meaner. Play by your own rules and do what you think is neccesary for survival and bear in mind that the society that we live in has been created without our consent.
The final cut is a classic slice of 1967 Southern Soul courtesy of Louisiana born Organist and Vocalist Toussaint McCall with a tune that is known to Soul fans the world over which never fails to tremble themusicologist’s marrow. Especially poignant and a fitting end not only to this theme but also to the 20 year relationship I have had the pleasure to share.