sixartist, sixtune, sixweekspecial #28
(The Jam - Start)
If themusicologist could slow time down and make a week last a month it might be enough to do the six/six/six artists justice…as already mentioned it’s a challenge to select such a small number of tunes from such great catalogues of work.
Take the Jam as an example, for me, there’s at least 20 cuts that deserve an outing on themusicologist and to whittle those down to 2 … well, lets just say that it’s as tough as old boots.
on this album, (Sound Affects), there’s five cuts here that I would like to, (and probably will over the years), throw down on themusicologist as well as another five albums, (+ singles), to ‘choose’ from so what strategy am I going to employ? … none. just going to throw ‘em as I feel ‘em.
this 1980 selection I remember from me days as a young blade, at the start of the teenage years when I was spending a lot of time knocking about the West End, (especially Soho and Covent Garden), as a second generation Mod.
I say ’second generation’ because both my parents were first generation London Mod/ernists, so we, (’the fox’ and I), grew up steeped in the culture, music and attitude of Englands first, (and most important), Youth movement as a birthright.
There were other influences of course such as Skin/Suedehead, ‘Hippie’ and, (later), Punk exposure through Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, (you know who you are), but Mod/ernist was and is the one where my heart resides.
So before I get too romantic and spend too much of me precious ‘time’ strolling down memory lane hold this one which, for some reason, always reminds me of Greek Street, (in Soho), the Thatcher years, and running battles with other groups of Youths at a time of great social unrest.
older and wiser, I now see that them days were just another stage of the ‘divide and conquer/rule’ strategy that poli-tricks always employs…you know what I mean…black against white, christian against muslim, rich against poor…the list is as long as yer arm…(brother Weller certainly knew and has always sung and wrote about it), so with that in mind..listen tune..