sixartist,sixtune,sixweekspecial Sam Cooke Bonus #1 (If I Had A Hammer)
so..back in the Sam Cooke saddle after some techno issues regarding the Streaming Audio, (boxnet)
threw a small spanner in themusicologist works but rather than dwell on it I’ll take it as a sign that more Sam Cooke is required. Three bonus slices is how it is going to be dealt with, (mon/tue/wed), and then it’s back onto the original sixtune program for #’s 4/5/6, (thurs/fri/sat)
thinking about it…it’s fitting that Mr Soul gets 3 extra tunes as everything in the sixartist selection that follows shares a connection … his legacy. what was/is it about the man that is so special?
I’m in danger of waxing lyrical…Sam step up brother and let us know what it’s all about.……..
LOUD is how this one should be heard ..